25 November 2016

NHC signs on to the Civic Charter

FRA conference calls for a united front for security and human rights

EU officials are working to build trust and maintain respect in the face of terrorist threats. On November 14, EU representatives met in Vienna to discuss strategies for ensuring security and fundamental rights within the EU.

Lawyers network meeting: improving access to justice for trafficked persons

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings are organizing a meeting for lawyers and NGOs about the provision of legal assistance for human trafficking victims on 22 and 23 November 2016 in Strasbourg, France.

Tentative optimism? Obama reassures world leaders Trump will observe commitment to NATO allies

Days after the election that shook the nation and political leaders around the globe, Obama has announced that Donald Trump will stand by America’s commitment to sustaining NATO alliances.

NHC strongly condemns the attack on Krassimir Kanev

Statement of the Civic Solidarity Platform Members on the Attack on the Chair of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Krassimir Kanev

Human Rights Groups Call to Suspend Azerbaijan from Participation in EITI

Letter by 18 civil society organisations to the Members of the Board of the Extractive Industries Transperancy Initiative on the Working Conditions of Civil Society in Azerbaijan.

International Conference: ‘Who determines the security (research) agenda?’

Wondering who should take the lead in facing key contemporary challenges like terrorism, cyber-attacks and hybrid warfare, how different actors work together and what the challenges of collaboration are?

Statement on the Case of Emir-Usein Kuku Prosecuted for Human Rights Activity in Crimea

The NHC, along with the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), and the Human Rights Information Centre (HRIC) demand the immediate release of human rights defender Emir-Usein Kuku, a member of the Crimean Human Rights Group.

NHC Concerned Over Deteriorating US-Russia Relations

United States-Russia relations have become increasingly strained in the midst of continuous disagreements over the handling of the Syrian conflict. Cooperation in Syria was an opportunity for the two to strengthen ties after clashing over the annexation of Crimea.

Azerbaijan: Results of the Constitutional Referendum

With the recent economic struggle that has hit Azerbaijan caused by the decline in oil prices, the current government's grip on power has been threatened.