24 November 2015

Helsinki Civil Society Award launched

New publication: The Human Rights Alternative Reporting Cycle

The Human Rights Alternative Reporting Cycle is a step-by-step guide through the United Nations human rights reporting process for NGOs.

Release publication ‘Promotion of the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Albania’

In October, during the expert meeting in Tirana, the Center for Legal Civic Initiatives (CLCI) and NHC were pleased to present to participating judges, prosecutors and the School of Magistrates the final version of the legal analysis of the current situation in regard to the rights of victims of trafficking in Albania.

HDIM side event on legal protection of trafficked persons

The need to improve access of trafficked persons to legal counseling and aid was the theme of an NHC-organized side event at the 2015 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting.

Commemoration of “disappearances” in Belarus

On 16 September, four enforced disappearances which took place in Belarus in 1999 and 2000 were commemorated in the Dutch city of Eindhoven.

NHC to take part in Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

As in previous years, the NHC will be represented at the annual OSCE ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, to be held in Warsaw from 21 September to 2 October. The NHC is involved in the organization of three specific events during this year's meeting.

Publication: Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The research "Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases" assesses the treatment of trafficked persons in criminal and other relevant legal proceedings and their access to legal aid and representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

NHC calls on the IOC to promote implementation of international human rights standards by Kazakhstan

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has joined the campaign by the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law and called on the International Olympic Committee to promote implementation of international human rights standards by the Kazakhstani Government.

Crowdfunding project to help juvenile detainees in Albania

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has started a crowdfunding project for juvenile prisoners in Lezhe, Albania. Currently, 16 juveniles live in horrendous conditions in the prison of Lezhe in Albania.

Stricter controls needed to avoid transborder corruption and excessive environmental damage in investment projects in Russia

Better safeguards are needed against international complicity in the use of opaque and improper procedures in realizing large scale extraction and industrial projects in Russia. These procedures, as well as the track record of Russian counterparts, give rise to suspicions of involvement in corruption from the side of international partners.