09 February 2015

An Albanian Study of the Gender Perspective in the Criminal Justice System

Study Visit Albania – the Netherlands

From 26 January until 30 January, an Albanian delegation visits the Netherlands for a study visit in the framework of the Matra CoPROL project promoting a victim-centred approach in trafficking cases.

Sport for Rights Campaign Kicks Off

As member of the international NGO coalition “Sport for Rights”, the NHC signed a joint statement to the president of the European Olympic Committee concerning the first European Games that are due to be held in Azerbaijan in June 2015.

Hearings of Azerbaijan’s prisoners of conscience have started

The preliminary hearing in the case of Rasul Jafarov, a prominent human rights defender and a prisoner of conscience, was held in Baku on January 15, 2015.

Increasing Concern over Azerbaijani Human Rights Defenders

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee is concerned about the further intensification of the Azerbaijani authorities’ campaign against human rights defenders towards the end of 2014.

New Deadline of the Essay Contest on the Prevention of Torture

The deadline of the essay contest on the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) is postponed to 15 February.

Civil society strengthened by new EU anti-money laundering directive

One of the goals of the NHC is to enhance the capacity of civil society and strengthen its civil control over governments and institutions.

Regional course on Advocacy and Policy Influencing for project monitoring partners

From 17 until 19 November, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organized a course on advocacy and policy influencing, which took place in Skopje, Macedonia.

Minister Koenders meeting with human rights defenders ahead of OSCE Ministerial Council

On the eve of the Ministerial Council meeting of the OSCE in Basel, Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders met with civil society human rights activists from a.o. Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine.

Dutch trainers introduce resocialization method for juveniles in prison in Kosovo

The NHC communication team spoke with Patricia Meijer and Peggy Esajas of the Dutch youth penitentiary institution Teylingereind (Forensisch Centrum Teylingereind).