01 December 2014

EU-Russia civil society contacts to be further strengthened

Tajikistan: Drop draft legislation restricting NGO access to funding

Almost a hundred civil society groups called on the government of Tajikistan to drop new restrictive draft legislation on NGOs and to respect the right of NGOs to have unhindered access to funding for their work.

Regional Conference “Access to the right to compensation for victims of human trafficking in the region”

On 17 and 18 October, the regional Conference "Access to the right to compensation for victims of human trafficking in the region", was organized by ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action from Serbia and its partners from the region, France and the Netherlands.

Donations from NHC staff related to flooding in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Continuous, heavy rainfall in May 2014 resulted in the worst floods ever in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, causing several deaths and forcing tens of thousands of people to leave their home.

BAN Human Trafficking mobile application out now!

We are excited to inform you that our mobile application BAN Human Trafficking is available for the Android and iOS platforms.

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum enhances contacts with EU institutions

Today, the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum adressed a number of requests to the new European Commission on its work in the coming period.

Bulgarian lawyers trained in providing legal aid and representation to victims of trafficking in Bulgaria

On 21, 22 and 23 October, 23 lawyers were trained in Sofia to provide legal aid to trafficked persons and defend their interests and rights during criminal and other legal proceedings.

Expert meeting “Trafficking in human beings: impact on the victim”

On October the 9th and 10th in Jahorina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, experts in issues related to human trafficking came together for the meeting “Trafficking in human beings: impact on the victim”.

Study visit for North Macedonian prison staff

Between October 6th and October 10th, 16 Macedonian representatives from Ohrid Prison and the Educational-Correctional Institution Tetovo visited the Netherlands.

NHC and CILC Present Road Ahead for Probation Service Project in Montenegro

On Wednesday 8 October, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and CILC presented the results so far of the project on probation and alternative sanctions they are jointly implementing in Montenegro.