12 June 2014

Statement on OSCE Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Call to sign the Balkans Declaration on Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings

As part of the Balkan Act Now! Project, lead organization ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action from Serbia and its six partner organizations, one of which is the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, call upon all civil society organizations in Europe.

Civic Solidarity Platform Publishes Appeal to OSCE to Counter Enforced Disappearances

The Civic Solidarity Platform published the following appeal to the OSCE on the occasion of the International Week of the Disappeared.

Campaign for the release of Ales Bialiatski

-Human Rights activist Ales Bialiatski is Chairperson of Human Rights Centre "Viasna" and Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights.

Partner NGO IFS-Emmaus needs support to deal with effects of flooding

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the Center for International Legal Cooperation call for support to NHC's partner organization IFS-Emmaus in Bosnia-Herzegovina to help deal with the consequences of the catastrophic flooding.

NHC speaks at parliamentary hearing on rule of law in European Union

NHC Chairman Ian de Jong was one of the speakers at a round table discussion of the Dutch parliament on the rule of law in Europe.

NHC and CILC: Quality standards in project acquisition

More than a year ago, the NHC and the Center for Internation Legal Cooperation (CILC) have initiated a joint trajectory to professionalise the way we (jointly and separately) design and implement projects and programmes.

To Watch: An Interview With Andrei Sannikov & Irina Khalip

On March 25th, Belarusian political activist Andrei Sannikov and journalist Irina Khalip hosted a public discussion event on behalf of the NHC and Amnesty International. After the event, the couple sat down with NHC director Harry Hummel for a brief interview.

Joint NHC and CILC mission to Mali

In February, Servaas Feiertag (CILC) and Jan de Vries (NHC) completed a second mission to Mali, in the context of the Studies of Criminal Justice in Mali and Development of Special Mechanisms to Support the Criminal Chain project.

Public discussion with Belarusian opposition leader Andrei Sannikov and journalist Irina Khalip

Amnesty International and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee will jointly organize a public discussion with former Belarusian opposition leader Andrei Sannikov and his wife, journalist Irina Khalip.