20 September 2013

NGO’s from EU states and Russia to meet in The Hague

Concern on legislative initiative in Kyrgyzstan to restrict NGO activity

The NHC joined an appeal by members of the Civic Solidarity Platform to parliament in Kyrgyzstan to reject a draft law that would restrict NGO activity.

Balkans Declaration signed in Zagreb!

The Balkans Declaration on Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings was signed on September 19, 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was organized under the project BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW! of which the NHC is a partner.

“BALKANS ACT NOW!” publishes situation analysis of human trafficking

The project "BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW!", of which the Netherlands Helsinki Committee is a partner, has published a detailed situation analysis of human trafficking in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia.

NHC issues joint statement to CEDAW

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee, with the Public Foundation Nota Bene, Human Rights Center, and Child’s Rights Center, issued a joint statement to CEDAW regarding the rights to reproductive health in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Information and discussion event “Belarus: Human Rights and Economy”

"Belarus: Human Rights and Economy" will take place on September 12, 2013 in Amsterdam. The information and discussion event will address the human rights situation in Belarus and the economic sanctions and their effectiveness.

NHC appeals against the closure of the Voronezh Human Rights House

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has sent a letter to the governor of the Voronezh region (Russia) appealing against the imminent closure of the Voronezh Human Rights House.

Support for LGBT-rights in Russia

Netherlands Helsinki Committee director Harry Hummel spoke at a protest against the Russian LGBT policy held on 25 August in Amsterdam.

NHC: ‘Reintegration process of young detainees in Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo needs to improve’

During their time in detention, juveniles in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo are hardly able to work towards their reintegration into society.

Judicial authorities in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina focus on victims of human trafficking

Judges, prosecutors and judicial academies in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee to make sure the rights of victims of human trafficking are guaranteed during judicial procedures.