
NHC 2020 Annual Report Now Online

19 April 2021

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee 2020 Annual Report* is out now!

This year’s annual report entitled “Civil society challenged by global pandemic” gives an an overview of the work of the NHC in this historic year, through the eyes of our partners, and through our own reflections. You will learn more about the activities of our four programmes: Access to Justice, Criminal Justice Reform, Human Rights Defence and Integrity and Accountability, and ways in which they grew and adapted in the past year; through feature interviews, summaries and presentations of key achievements.

For over thirty years we have been working across the OSCE region on human rights and the rule of law. With this report, we hope to have given you a short impression of all the activities conducted in this unprecedented year, in which – despite numerous challenges – we continued with activities and projects that give meaning to our motto:

Building and securing justice across Europe

We hope you enjoy reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the NHC Newsletter to receive regular updates on our work.

*The current report presents our achievements throughout 2020, the Annual Accounts will be added in June.