
NHC starts project ‘Enhancing professionalism in the Libyan Prison Service’.

25 April 2013

In April 2013 the Netherlands Helsinki Committee has started with the implementation of the project ‘Enhancing professionalism in the Libyan Prison Service’. The aim of the project is to strengthen the penitentiary system in Libya and incorporate international human rights standards by sharing Netherlands experience and stimulating cooperation. This project has been awarded a grant by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs MATRA-South programme. During the coming 2 years of project duration, the NHC will cooperate with the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency and its education department and the Libyan prison service.

Just after the revolution serious human rights concerns regarding the situation in prisons were raised, amongst others by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. In order to achieve sustainable improvement of prison conditions, the Libyan prison service aims to improve the management of the prison system and the professional qualifications of prison staff. The project will therefore assist in the development of a general vision and mission of the Libyan prison service with a specific focus on training prison staff. In this regard, the project will support the development and implementation of an education plan.

For more information about the project please contact Ms Emma Oosten.