Improvement of Prison Conditions for Reintegration of Juvenile Detainees in Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo
During their time in detention, juveniles in Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo are hardly able to work towards their reintegration into society. In cooperation with local human rights monitors and Dutch experts, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee has devised a project to create prison regimes which enable juveniles to enhance their capacities during their detention.
The project is based on the idea that foundations for successful reintegration are laid within places of detention. A method called YOUTURN will be used to promote a new attitude among penitentiary staff and juveniles, which is more communicative, positive and geared towards the future.
Our Aim
The focus will be on training of prison staff and pilot initiatives with prison management for increased education, labour and vocational training. Specific attention will be given to enhancing the capacities of monitoring mechanisms, including the Ombudsman and local non-governmental organisations. External monitoring strengthens transparency and accountability, during the project as well as after the project has ended.
Project Implementation
Funder: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Matra CoPROL)
Partner: Monitoring partner NGOs and Ombudspersons in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (The Netherlands) and Inspectorate of Security and Justice (The Netherlands)
Project period: 1 June 2013 – 31 May 2017
Budget: € 1.466.500