Publication of the Handbook on Probation Service in Montenegro
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee is proud to announce the publication of the ‘Handbook on Probation Service in Montenegro’. Within the framework of the project ‘Support to the probation service and the system for alternative sanctions in Montenegro’, the handbook has been designed as a reference for the work of probation officers from the Probation Department at the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro. The handbook is not meant solely for professionals working in the field; those who are interested in the competencies and work processes implemented by the Probation department are invited to consult the handbook as well.
The main goal of the handbook is to summarise the concept of alternative sanctions and give information on the profession of probation officers. In addition, it aims to provide preliminary instructions on the steps and directions that need to be taken by probation officers in order to properly execute all the assigned tasks. The handbook is a fundamental reading material in the probation work as it informs probation officers on the main legal regulations and obligations of probation officers, the various phases during the work process, official forms and scientifically based techniques and tools. This practical document will enable all probation officers to respond adequately and in a uniform way to the challenges of their profession.
The handbook is the result of several activities that have been part of the Matra CoPROL project ‘Support to the probation service and the system for alternative sanctions in Montenegro’ aiming to determine the exact scope, manner and quality of probation work and the organisation of probation work processes. The project was implemented by a bilateral partnership between Montenegro and the Netherlands. The partners in this project were the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, the Netherlands Probation Service, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC).
Those interested in the handbook may contact the NHC: