
Miranda van Iersel

Office Manager

Miranda started in mid July 2016 at the Netherlands Helsinki Committee as the office manager. She supports the Executive Director and his team as well as the Supervisory Board and Advisory Board. She is the intern and volunteer coordinator and has a broad knowledge of office management related matters.

After receiving a masters degree from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands (Portuguese language and linguistics, specialisation translation) Miranda departed for the United States. She spent ten years in New York working for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She started at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations supporting policy officers and later switched to the Dutch Consulate General where she became a senior consular officer. After the United States she left for Brazil. As a local consultant, once again for the Dutch MFA, she worked at the Royal Dutch Embassy in Brasília as well as at the Consulates General of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro mostly organizing (network) events and helping to promote the Netherlands in Brazil.

After returning to the Netherlands at the end of 2012 Miranda worked at the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy as an office manager and at Heineken Global Supply Chain – Customer Service and Logistics as team assistant.