
Strengthening Media Freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia

Freedom of the media is one of the cornerstone to a well-functioning democracy, and journalists are vital watchdogs who make sure governments answer to the citizens’ needs responsibly. Unfortunately, the media sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia is not always able to function safely and journalists have been harassed, attacked and killed for simply doing their job.

Our aim

The project combines training, advocacy and capacity strengthening of the judiciary and media to improve the capacity of the judicial sector to respond adequately to the threats journalists’ face, whilst at the same time improving the conditions under which the media operates. We recognize the wide variety and diversity present in each of the participating countries, which calls for country-specific approaches. By working together with journalist associations, the Judicial Trainings Centres and civil society, the project aims to be as inclusive as possible in order to yield satisfactory outcomes to all of its stakeholders.

To achieve the project’s aims, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee works together with a number of Dutch institutional experts in this field, namely the Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary (Studiecentrum Rechtspleging), and the Netherlands Association of Journalists (Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten). For the activities, knowledge and network related to the media in the participating countries, the NHC is happy to rely on its partner in this project Free Press Unlimited.

Milestones in Strengthening media freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia

Project implementation

Funder: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the umbrella of MaTra projects.

Partner: Free Press Unlimited

Project period: 1 October 2020 – 1 October 2023

Budget: 1,999,528 EU