
Strengthening Monitoring and Advocacy Capacities for Rights in Georgia

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee in a consortium with the Hertie School, Human Rights Center (Georgia) and the Georgian Democracy Initiative has designed a multi-faceted 24-month intervention “Strengthening Monitoring and Advocacy Capacities for Rights in Georgia”.

This initiative is part of the broader EU effort of Support to Human Rights, Democracy, and Integrated Territorial Development in Georgia, which aims to consolidate and further the progress made in the last decade in terms of human rights, rule of law, and democratic practices. With the financial support of the European Union, the project aims to enhance the capacity of Georgian civil society organisations (CSOs) working on the protection of human rights at the national and local levels to oversee state authorities’ compliance more effectively and to increase human rights awareness among right holders and duty bearers.

Our aim

The project has five specific objectives: enhancing human rights investigation, monitoring, reporting, communication, and advocacy capacities of local CSOs and grassroot movements through a series of trainings. These include:

  • Monitoring and reporting in relation to Georgia’s human rights commitment on local and national level, in particular the implementation of the Civic Integration Strategy and the (yet to be adopted) National Human Rights Strategy;
  • Advocacy campaigns in relation to Georgia’s human rights commitments;
  • Awareness raising towards decision makers on Georgia’s human rights commitments;
  • Awareness raising campaigns towards the general public on human rights in general, with particular attention to protecting the rights of marginalised groups such as LGBTI+ rights, women’s rights and the rights of ethnic minorities.


Project implementation

Funder: European Union

Partners: The Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the Hertie School, the Human Rights Center (Georgia) and the Georgian Democracy Initiative

Project period: January 2023 – December 2024 (24 months)

Budget: 790,000 euros

Restricted call for proposals for small grants for local CSOs and grassroots movements (October 2023)

This project funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.