Support to the enforcement, probation and rehabilitation systems in Moldova
This project focuses on probation, intramural and extramural rehabilitation of former offenders and the enforcement of civil court decisions. It is one of three parallel EU funded projects that aim to strengthen the Moldovan justice system. These projects contribute to the implementation of the comprehensive Strategy for Justice Sector Reform and the Moldovan Government Programme.
Our Aim
The project focuses on both the Moldovan criminal and the civil justice systems, and aims to strengthen the Probation Service, the Penitentiary Department, and the Union of Bailiffs. In addressing these two separate thematic areas of enforcement on the one hand and detention, probation and rehabilitation on the other hand, the project will be tackling an entire range of elements required for upgrading the performance of these systems. These elements include:
- Providing support with necessary legislative adjustments;
- Supporting institutional development, with attention for organisational structures, Human Resources Management, financial and performance management;
- Assisting with the improvement of operational workflows in the direct beneficiary institutions – working procedures and regulations, in-house training, coaching, and support with performance monitoring;
- Strengthening the awareness about and commitment to ethical and professional conduct among bailiffs, probation officers and penitentiary workers;
- Contributing to improved public awareness on the enforcement, probation and rehabilitation systems.
Project Implementation
Funder: European Commission
Partners: Central Probation Office, Moldova, Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC), Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Institute for Penal Reform (IRP), Ministry of Justice of Moldova, National Union of Bailiffs (UNEJ), Moldova, Penal Reform International (PRI), Penitentiary Department, Moldova
Project period: 27 October 2014 – 27 April 2017
Budget: € 1.790.000