23 October 2015
HDIM side event on legal protection of trafficked persons
Publication: Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina
03 August 2015
The research "Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases" assesses the treatment of trafficked persons in criminal and other relevant legal proceedings and their access to legal aid and representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Expert meeting: “Victims of trafficking in human beings: interview techniques (including the interviewing of children)”
02 June 2015
On 16 and 17 April experts on issues relating to human trafficking met in Ilidza, Sarajevo to discuss “Victims of trafficking in human beings: interview techniques (including interviewing of children)”.Defending the rights of human trafficking victims in Slovakia: Report on the First Expert Meeting in Slovakia for lawyers
02 June 2015
On 15 April, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and NGO Human Rights League (HRL) from Slovakia organized the first Expert Meeting for lawyers on human trafficking-related topics, in Bratislava. Kick-off series Expert Meetings for lawyers on providing legal aid to victims of human trafficking
31 March 2015
On March 31st the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and it’s partner organization in Bulgaria, Animus Association Foundation, organized the first Expert Meeting on human trafficking-related topics for lawyers, in Sofia.Study Visit Albania – the Netherlands
26 January 2015
From 26 January until 30 January, an Albanian delegation visits the Netherlands for a study visit in the framework of the Matra CoPROL project promoting a victim-centred approach in trafficking cases.Regional Conference “Access to the right to compensation for victims of human trafficking in the region”
20 November 2014
On 17 and 18 October, the regional Conference "Access to the right to compensation for victims of human trafficking in the region", was organized by ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action from Serbia and its partners from the region, France and the Netherlands.BAN Human Trafficking mobile application out now!
29 October 2014
We are excited to inform you that our mobile application BAN Human Trafficking is available for the Android and iOS platforms.Bulgarian lawyers trained in providing legal aid and representation to victims of trafficking in Bulgaria
24 October 2014
On 21, 22 and 23 October, 23 lawyers were trained in Sofia to provide legal aid to trafficked persons and defend their interests and rights during criminal and other legal proceedings.