12 April 2023

Report: Taking lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic forward within closed institutions

EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme: Reflections on advocacy and policy development

Stories of success: Alliance For Better Mental Health Georgia reflects on training followed & long-lasting impact of the EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme.

Report | Covid-19 in closed institutions: National findings and implications moving forward

Following the end of the first phase of the EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme For Eastern Partnership, the NHC has published a new report.

Open letter NGOs to EU Commission and Council on Recovery Fund for Poland and Hungary

We urgently call on the EU Commission & Council to refrain from approving recovery funds to governments of Poland & Hungary without the rule of law concerns being resolved

Closed Institutions during the Pandemic: Preserving Human Rights in Moldova

Learn more about one of the end beneficiaries in Moldova of NHC's collaborative EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme.

Countering the effect of COVID-19 in Psychiatric Institutions in Armenia

Learn more about one of the end beneficiaries in Armenia of NHC's collaborative EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme.

Georgia: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2

Find out more about our Call for Proposals on countering the effect of COVID-19 on closed institutions for Georgian NGOs and CSOs.

Ukraine: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2

Find out more about our Call for Proposals on countering the effect of COVID-19 on closed institutions for Ukrainian NGOs and CSOs.

Armenia: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2

Find out more about our Call for Proposals on countering the effect of COVID-19 on closed institutions for Armenian NGOs and CSOs.

OSCE ODIHR publishes report on the impact of Covid-19 measures on human rights

The ODIHR published a report on the impact of Covid-19-related emergency measures on human rights and democracy.