14 February 2023

Key Concerns and Contributions to the EC Rule of Law Report

Encouraging judicial cooperation across borders | Second Transnational J-CAP Project Meeting

The NHC met with J-CAP project partners in Amsterdam to discuss judicial cooperation across borders as key to successful offender reintegration.

Call for Participation: Constituency and Influence for Reform

Find out more about our Call for Participation for trainings for Ukrainian CSOs involved in gender equality, anti-corruption and/or environmental protection.

Jaap de Zwaan on Improving the Respect for the Rule of Law in the EU

NHC Committee Member Jaap de Zwaan discusses improving respect for the rule of law in the EU in the lead up to the Commission's first annual Rule of Law Report.

Rule of Law and EU Values are Key to European Integration of Western Balkans- Summit Follow up

Leaders at EU-Western Balkans Summit emphasize the importance of the rule of law and EU core values and European Perspective of the Western Balkans confirmed.

“With or Without (E)U”: Civil Society Calls on EU and Western Balkan Leaders to Take Concrete Steps for European Integration

During the 2020 Western Balkans Summit civil socitey provided their input regarding what needs to be done ob both sides to further European integration of the region.

NHC Contributes to the Annual EU-Azerbaijan Human Rights Dialogue, March 2020

The NHC and HRC - Azerbaijan contributes to EU-Azerbaijan Human Rights Dialogue in March 2020. The joint recommendations covered political prisoners and freedom of association.