16 February 2022
NGO letter to EU Ministers on rule of law and human rights situation in Poland
Closed Institutions during the Pandemic: Preserving Human Rights in Moldova
18 November 2021
Learn more about one of the end beneficiaries in Moldova of NHC's collaborative EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme. Countering the effect of COVID-19 in Psychiatric Institutions in Armenia
18 November 2021
Learn more about one of the end beneficiaries in Armenia of NHC's collaborative EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme. Ukraine: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2
11 November 2021
Find out more about our Call for Proposals on countering the effect of COVID-19 on closed institutions for Ukrainian NGOs and CSOs.Jaap de Zwaan on Improving the Respect for the Rule of Law in the EU
23 June 2020
NHC Committee Member Jaap de Zwaan discusses improving respect for the rule of law in the EU in the lead up to the Commission's first annual Rule of Law Report.NHC Director Speaks on Rising Tensions Between Hungary and the European Union
22 May 2020
RTLZ news interviews NHC Director Pepijn Gerrits about what actions have been taken at the EU in response to the deterioration of democracy in Hungary. UN Launches New Report on Human Rights Approach to Rule of Law in the EU
18 May 2020
"The case for a human rights approach to the rule of law in the EU" report launched by UN, in leadup to the first annual European Union report on the rule of law in all member states.NHC and NJCM Submit Contribution to European Commission for Rule of Law Report
18 May 2020
First Rule of Law Report on all 27 EU Member States is to be issued by the European Commission. Civil society, academia, and professionals were asked to contribute.Rule of Law and EU Values are Key to European Integration of Western Balkans- Summit Follow up
08 May 2020
Leaders at EU-Western Balkans Summit emphasize the importance of the rule of law and EU core values and European Perspective of the Western Balkans confirmed.“With or Without (E)U”: Civil Society Calls on EU and Western Balkan Leaders to Take Concrete Steps for European Integration
06 May 2020
During the 2020 Western Balkans Summit civil socitey provided their input regarding what needs to be done ob both sides to further European integration of the region.