23 May 2023

Grants for Exiled Russian CSOs Working on the Protection of Human Rights

Call for Local Experts: Supporting the Needs of Ukrainian CSOs

We are looking for local experts in civil society work in Ukraine to support our EU-funded project aimed at strengthening the resilience of CSOs in the reality affected by the war. Find out more and apply before 24 May.

When Winning isn’t Enough: Civil Society and the European Court of Human Rights

Read about how the NHC is supporting civil society actors in pursuing the implementation of ECtHR judgements.

Ukraine’s Fire Woman, Lyudmyla Yankina: “I had to help”

For her extraordinary humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, Lyudmyla Yankina has been dubbed the fire woman. "I had to help," she says.

Russian authorities must stop persecution of the Moscow Helsinki Group, and broader civil society

The NHC and other members of the Civic Solidarity Platform demand that the Russian authorities stop attacks on the Moscow Helsinki Groups and other Russian Civil Society Organisations

NGOs call on European Parliament to rethink word limit of Urgency Resolutions

NGOs call on Metsola and the Presidents of the European Parliament to reconsider their recent decision to enforce a strict 500-word limit for all urgency resolutions.

Joint NGO Letter to the European Parliament on Proposals to Halt Human Rights Activities

Members of HRDN express grave concern over recent debates and proposals to freeze all activities of the European Parliament’s Human Rights Subcommittee (DROI).

Event | The Future of Human Rights in Times of War in Europe | 35 years NHC

07 December 2022 | An evening of reflection and debate with key-note by Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Centre for Civil Liberties in Ukraine, Oleksandra Romantsova.

Joint Statement | Urgent need to reinforce UN Treaty Bodies

The NHC and more than 30 other international civil society organisations are calling for systemic changes in the handling of individual communications to the UN Treaty Bodies to effectively address human rights violations.

Statement | Calling for immediate release of the president of the Turkish Medical Association Şebnem Korur Fincancı

The NHC condemns the arrest of prof. dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı and urges Turkish authorities to immediately release her.