08 December 2021

Balkans Act Now! – Reflecting on Success and the Road Forward

NHC Partner Ivana Radović Awarded for Combating Human Trafficking Work

Ivana Radović of ASTRA awarded TIP Hero award in recognition of her contributions to strengthening Serbia’s anti-trafficking processes.

Successful First ‘Anti-Trafficking’ Lawyers Network Meeting Organized by the Council of Europe and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee

On November 22nd and 23rd, 2016, the Council of Europe and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organised a meeting of lawyers and NGOs providing legal assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings.

NHC Organises Anti-trafficking Workshop at IX Symposium for Prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Judges, prosecutors, and civil society organizations participated in a two-day workshop about trafficking in human beings.

Lawyers network meeting: improving access to justice for trafficked persons

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings are organizing a meeting for lawyers and NGOs about the provision of legal assistance for human trafficking victims on 22 and 23 November 2016 in Strasbourg, France.

First judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina to train colleagues in human trafficking issues

Nine judges and prosecutors were trained in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to become trainers in human trafficking issues within the project “Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

New publication: Position of Victims Trafficking in Human Beings in Criminal and Other Legal Proceedings in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania

This report is part of the 3-year project "Promotion of the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia with Emphasis on Legal Support – A Human Rights-Based Approach".

Release publication ‘Promotion of the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Albania’

In October, during the expert meeting in Tirana, the Center for Legal Civic Initiatives (CLCI) and NHC were pleased to present to participating judges, prosecutors and the School of Magistrates the final version of the legal analysis of the current situation in regard to the rights of victims of trafficking in Albania.

HDIM side event on legal protection of trafficked persons

The need to improve access of trafficked persons to legal counseling and aid was the theme of an NHC-organized side event at the 2015 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting.

Publication: Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The research "Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases" assesses the treatment of trafficked persons in criminal and other relevant legal proceedings and their access to legal aid and representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.