30 September 2013

Balkans ACT Now! presented at HDIM

Balkans Declaration signed in Zagreb!

The Balkans Declaration on Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings was signed on September 19, 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was organized under the project BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW! of which the NHC is a partner.

“BALKANS ACT NOW!” publishes situation analysis of human trafficking

The project "BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW!", of which the Netherlands Helsinki Committee is a partner, has published a detailed situation analysis of human trafficking in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia.

Judicial authorities in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina focus on victims of human trafficking

Judges, prosecutors and judicial academies in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee to make sure the rights of victims of human trafficking are guaranteed during judicial procedures.

Start Anti Human Trafficking project in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia

In January 2013, The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has started with the implementation of the anti-trafficking project “Promotion of the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia with Emphasis on Legal Support – A Human Rights-Based Approach”.

Third Expert Meeting for lawyers “Health and Psychological Consequences of Human Trafficking”

A third expert meeting for lawyers titled “Health and Psychological Consequences of Human Trafficking” was held at Zira Hotel, Belgrade, on May 18, 2012.

Anti-trafficking NGO ASTRA, Serbia: ‘The State Does Not Help Trafficking Victims’

For trafficked victims the hell does not end when they get out of the trafficking chain.