29 February 2016

Prison and probation staff at a common Risk Assessment Training

Judges and probation officers share experiences on implementing community service sentences

Judges from first instance courts and probation officers came together in a fruitful workshop on February 15, marking the first activity of the year centered on supporting the probation service and the system of alternative sanctions in Montenegro.

Crowdfunding project to help juvenile detainees in Albania

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has started a crowdfunding project for juvenile prisoners in Lezhe, Albania. Currently, 16 juveniles live in horrendous conditions in the prison of Lezhe in Albania.

Study visit in The Netherlands – Interview of two participants from CC Lipjan

From 28 April until 1 May, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) organized a study visit in The Netherlands for sixteen representatives from the Correctional Centre (CC) Lipjan in Kosovo.

Regional course on Advocacy and Policy Influencing for project monitoring partners

From 17 until 19 November, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organized a course on advocacy and policy influencing, which took place in Skopje, Macedonia.

Dutch trainers introduce resocialization method for juveniles in prison in Kosovo

The NHC communication team spoke with Patricia Meijer and Peggy Esajas of the Dutch youth penitentiary institution Teylingereind (Forensisch Centrum Teylingereind).

Study visit for North Macedonian prison staff

Between October 6th and October 10th, 16 Macedonian representatives from Ohrid Prison and the Educational-Correctional Institution Tetovo visited the Netherlands.

NHC and CILC Present Road Ahead for Probation Service Project in Montenegro

On Wednesday 8 October, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and CILC presented the results so far of the project on probation and alternative sanctions they are jointly implementing in Montenegro.

Supporting the probation service and alternative sanctions in Montenegro

Last week NHC conducted an inception mission to Montenegro for the start-up of the recently accorded project Support to the probation service and the system of alternative sanctions in Montenegro.

Report on successful training for prison guards in Libya

Between October 17 – November 1, three employees of the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) visited Libya in order to execute the training program put in place as part of the Enhancing Professionalism in the Libyan Prison Service project led by the DJI in partnership with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee.