07 July 2016
Equipping juvenile offenders in Correctional Centre Lipjan
Interview with Prison Expert Edward Lucaci
28 June 2016
Edward Lucaci is a Prison Expert of the project 'Support to the enforcement probation and rehabilitation system' in Moldova. What are his experiences in the field and what do his activities entail? Lucaci illuminates.Risk Assessment training in Bijelo Polje
28 June 2016
Evaluation of risk is the foundation of all types of reintegration activities. This was the basic idea at the Risk Assessment training held in Montenegro where trainees worked together on the use of a common tool kit.Prison and probation staff at a common Risk Assessment Training
29 February 2016
Evaluation of risk must be the foundation of all types of reintegration activities. This was the basic idea at the Risk Assessment training held in Montenegro where probation and prison staff worked together on the use of a common tool kit.Judges and probation officers share experiences on implementing community service sentences
22 February 2016
Judges from first instance courts and probation officers came together in a fruitful workshop on February 15, marking the first activity of the year centered on supporting the probation service and the system of alternative sanctions in Montenegro.Crowdfunding project to help juvenile detainees in Albania
30 June 2015
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee has started a crowdfunding project for juvenile prisoners in Lezhe, Albania. Currently, 16 juveniles live in horrendous conditions in the prison of Lezhe in Albania.Study visit in The Netherlands – Interview of two participants from CC Lipjan
19 May 2015
From 28 April until 1 May, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) organized a study visit in The Netherlands for sixteen representatives from the Correctional Centre (CC) Lipjan in Kosovo.Regional course on Advocacy and Policy Influencing for project monitoring partners
10 December 2014
From 17 until 19 November, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organized a course on advocacy and policy influencing, which took place in Skopje, Macedonia.