14 April 2022
Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: Rule by Law
Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary explored through academic research
13 April 2022
Introducing a series of academic papers mapping the methods and tactics used in the systemic backsliding of the rule of law in Hungary.Event Invitation | Systemic Backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: What (more) can the EU do? | Press Club Brussels
06 April 2022
Join the conversation on April 19, 9:30-11:30 a.m. CET at 'Press Club Brussels' or follow onlineHow so Helsinki? About the evolution of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee
05 April 2022
Piet de Klerk, Chairman of the Supervisory Board (NHC), reflects on the evolution of the NHC, the crucial importance of the OSCE and the relevance of these organizations. Open letter NGOs to EU Commission and Council on Recovery Fund for Poland and Hungary
24 March 2022
We urgently call on the EU Commission & Council to refrain from approving recovery funds to governments of Poland & Hungary without the rule of law concerns being resolvedRule of Law report 2022: Increased polarisation and lack of transparency
09 March 2022
The NHC contributed information and commentary on the state of the Rule of Law in the Netherlands, focusing on the justice system, media freedom and anti-corruption networks.NGO letter to EU Ministers on rule of law and human rights situation in Poland
16 February 2022
The NHC & 30+ other NGOs call for attention of EU Ministers to alarming developments in Poland ahead of the EU GA Council next week.The Winding Path to Democracy: Reflections on the Final RoLT Alumni Event
27 January 2022
Hear from former RoLT participants about their experiences of bringing the trials and tribulations of bringing about change in their country.Online Event | Meer meten is meer weten of meer macht?
18 January 2022
Namens het NHC en het Platform Bescherming Burgerrechten nodigen wij u uit voor een panelgesprek over dataverzameling en de inzet van nieuwe technologieën door de overheid en de impact daarvan op het functioneren van de rechtsstaat.