22 February 2024
Rising Above the Headlines: Protecting Press Freedom and Strengthening the Judiciary in the Western Balkans
Georgia: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2
11 November 2021
Find out more about our Call for Proposals on countering the effect of COVID-19 on closed institutions for Georgian NGOs and CSOs.Celebrating Virtual Pride During Lockdown in Albania
20 May 2020
Virtual pride took place in Tirana with solidarity acts for the LGBTQ community. The day kicked off a month of awareness raising on LGBTQ issues in Albania.Rule of Law and EU Values are Key to European Integration of Western Balkans- Summit Follow up
08 May 2020
Leaders at EU-Western Balkans Summit emphasize the importance of the rule of law and EU core values and European Perspective of the Western Balkans confirmed.“With or Without (E)U”: Civil Society Calls on EU and Western Balkan Leaders to Take Concrete Steps for European Integration
06 May 2020
During the 2020 Western Balkans Summit civil socitey provided their input regarding what needs to be done ob both sides to further European integration of the region.Applications Now Open for Matra RoLT Training: “Detention and Alternative Sanctions”
23 May 2019
Applications are now open for Matra Rule of Law Training "Detention and Alternative Sanctions" to be held 5-12 September 2019. Deadline is 7 July 2019. Working Towards Independence of the Judiciary in Armenia: Interview with Hayk Hovhannisyan 2019 ROLT Alumni
21 May 2019
Interview on the future of rule of law in Armenia with Hayk Hovhannisyan, Supreme Judicial Council of Armenia Member. and one of the first ROLT participants from Armenia. Applications Open for Trainings: “Decentralisation and Citizen Participation” &“Public Finance Management”
14 March 2019
Applications are now open for Matra Rule of Law Trainings "Decentralisation and Citizen Participation" and "Public Finance Management" to be held 19–28 June 2019. Deadlines: 14 April and 21 April.