
Three new appointees to the NHC Supervisory Board announced

25 September 2018

The NHC is pleased to announce the appointment of three new members to the organization’s Supervisory Board: Ton van den Brandt, Anne Maljers and Eric Rijnders.

The role of the Supervisory Board is to monitor the NHC Board and to advise on medium and long-term policies and strategies”

Ton van den Brandt, who will focus on the Communication and Public Affairs portfolios, is currently the Head of the Department for Communications and Public Information at the District Court of Law in Amsterdam. Previously, he has held senior positions at Amnesty International Netherlands, and, ad interim, with the Netherlands Red Cross and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is also a published author and journalist. Van den Brandt, who has completed studies in International Law (cum laude), Dutch Law and journalism, is also the current chairman of the Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten.

Anne Maljers will take up the supervisory role for the NGO Management portfolio. Her current position is as Deputy Director of the Oranje Fonds, a fund that provides financial support to Dutch foundations and associations working in civil society. Previously, Maljers has held positions as Head of School Programs at Edukans and Director of Educational Services at the European Platform for Dutch Education. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Lokalis in Utrecht and a member of the board of Stichting Kinderen Karuna Jalbapur, a foster home in India for children in with disabilities. Maljers, who has a degree in European Studies (University of Amsterdam) and various certificates in Law (University of Leiden), has also attended a Performance Management Course for NGOs at Harvard’s School of Executive Education.

Finally, Eric Rijnders, who will take charge of the Fundraising Portfolio, is the current Director of the Janivo Foundation, an organization that provides financial support to social and cultural projects for children and young folks. Previously, he has held senior positions in several regional development companies in the Netherlands. Rijnders currently holds other supervisory positions in the fields of social housing, sustainable energy, education and cultural heritage. His received a Masters in Administrative Law, a Masters in Art History and Masters in Theology.

The three new members will join Piet de Klerk (Chairman), Angela Kaptein (Vice-Chair), Anna Meijknecht (Secretary-General) and Erika Marseille (Treasurer) on the Supervisory Board”

The three new members will join Piet de Klerk (Chairman), Angela Kaptein (Vice-Chair), Anna Meijknecht (Secretary-General) and Erika Marseille (Treasurer) on the Supervisory Board. The role of the Supervisory Board is to monitor the Netherlands Helsinki Committee Board and to advise on medium and long-term policies and strategies. The Supervisory Board also acts to approve policy and strategy plans, reports and the annual state of accounts prepared by the Board.