Ukraine: Call for Proposals to Monitor the Effect of COVID-19 in Closed Institutions: LOT 2

Psychiatric Hospitals in Ukraine
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) has launched a regional “COVID-19 Solidarity Programme 2020-2022” with the financial support of the European Union and in partnership with People in Need and AFEW International.
The NHC, in cooperation with Human Rights in Mental Health (Federation Global Initiative in Psychiatry, FGIP), will deliver the activities of the Programme. This programme will support civil society organisations (CSOs) to respond to the immediate and longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Partnership countries.
Objectives of the Call
NHC and FGIP seek to provide grants to CSOs to monitor the effect of COVID-19 prevention and treatment measures on the conditions of people confined to psychiatric hospitals in Ukraine. This includes the full range of relevant issues including (discontinuation of) health care, (lack of) contact with relatives or loved ones, inclusiveness in COVID-19 vaccination programme in the country, and other related basic human rights. In addition to monitoring and reporting, the objective would also be to provide advice and assistance to stakeholders, including confined persons, personnel, relatives, lawyers, on problems they encounter in COVID-19 prevention and treatment.
This call for proposals is open to non-profit-making civil society organisations or consortia of non-profit-making civil society organizations with the status of a legal person, established in Ukraine. In case of consortia, the main applicant will be responsible for the overall implementation of the action.
All organizations should have a formalized relationship with respective governmental bodies that provides access to psychiatric hospitals and the applicant needs to prove it has a record of working with these institutions.
Applications should provide evidence of the following:
- Registration status as a non-profit organisation registered under national legislation
- At least four years’ experience delivering activities in line with the proposed project
- Experience with managing budgets of similar size
Public administration institutions, state agencies, local or regional authorities, political parties or organisations affiliated with political parties are not eligible for this call.
CSOs that applied for the LOT1 within the scope of this project (to monitor the effect of COVID-19 prevention and treatment measures on the conditions of people confined to mental health institutions) are eligible to apply.
Application Process
Applicants must submit the following:
- Annex 1 – Application Form
- Annex 2 – Budget
- Registration certificate of the organization (original with an English translation)
- Statute of the organisation (if possible in English)
- Evidence of track record in similar projects
- CVs of the project team
- If the proposal is submitted by a consortium: an outline of the cooperation process and the division of tasks between individual members in the application form (annex 1).
Applications can be submitted in Ukrainian or English. All submitted applications must be signed by the head of the applicant organisation, scanned and sent electronically.
The application package should be submitted to:
Deadline for submission of full applications is December 19, 2021. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
More details about the call for proposals (English and Ukrainian)
Application Form, Budget and Annexes (English and Ukrainian)
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.