
Warsaw Human Dimension Conference 2022

28 September 2022

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee is participating in the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, organised by the Polish 2022 OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office, with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) from 26 September until 7 October 2022.

The 10-day conference will be dedicated to discussions on the condition of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the OSCE area. The conference will provide a platform to evaluate the implementation of the OSCE Human Dimension commitments, and offer meeting space for its participants to present their recent work and flag the issues that they feel need the urgent attention of the international community.

As part of the side-event programme, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee is co-organising two events:

  • On 28 September 2022, A discussion on Crimea in the shadow: renewing international attention on human rights violations

Organised together with Human Rights Centre ZMINA, the Human Rights House Foundation and the World Organisation Against Torture, this event allows an opportunity for civil society organisations to share new wide-ranging research and
documentation on human rights violations in Crimea, including on-going political persecution, as well as the human rights implications for increasing militarisation of the peninsula. It will also focus on the next steps for OCSE participating States to support Ukrainian human rights defenders, civil society, and citizen journalism in Crimea, as well as reflect on de-ocuppation strategy.

Warsaw human dimension conference Crimea

  • On 4 October 2022, A discussion on International Crimes committed in the Recently Occupied Territories of Ukraine

The event is organised together with the World Organisation Against Torture, Human Rights Centre ZMINA and the Human Rights House Foundation, and moderated by Antanina Maslyka of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee. The speakers and participants will discuss the main patterns and trends of violations, as well as current challenges in the context of documenting violations and effective helping victims.

Warsaw human dimension conference